Just Being
I have been told to be still - been told to just be. Much easier said than done.
I am tired of sitting around... it actually is painful to sit around all day. Seriously, it hurts to sit. My physical therapist told me that I need to rest, to take things easy at this point. It is incredibly challenging to do this, especially when most of me feels perfectly fine. Yet I find myself sitting in bed, or sitting on the couch, or sitting in our oversized chair day in and day out. The pain is not just from sitting, but from holding the crutches. It is awesome - really and truly... (no, not so much...) Even when I want to move, and I go to the gym to move my upper body, I am still sitting so little relief is found.
And then there are the snow storms. I was thinking about going shopping to pick up some groceries before the next storm, but then realized I could not carry them home to bring them up to my apartment, so that was out. So instead I went on line to order groceries.
But I now find myself inside unable to go out due to the snow, and I sit at the window like a cat and watch, and listen to the wind blowing at 30+ miles an hour. It is not easy to be still, not easy to just be. No, even after a month, it is not getting any easier. Seriously, how do people sit around all day and do nothing? I mean it is exhausting! I am simply exhausted from doing nothing. I just do not understand.